Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Bariatric Surgery

November 2006 was when I had WLS (weight loss surgery) and the next 6 months I lost over 120 pounds.  I've done pretty well with it overall but like 80% of those who had it I have gained about 20 pounds from my lowest weight and I decided last week to use these tools the doctor gave me and straighten up like a piece of wire!

I spent three days on liquids to "shrink the pouch" and let it tighten back up to close to the "golf ball" size it was.  Then I spent three days on very soft foods and limited foods.  The bonus was I now have to eat like I did 9 years ago (very small amounts) and I am retraining myself to not drink with my meal and not drink 30 minutes before or after a meal.  I do get some odd looks at restaurants when they ask what I want to drink and I say "nothing please". 

So I am on Day 10 now and I have lost about 9 pounds and so far I am not "struggling" with wanting to eat more other than about 3 in the afternoon I get hungry (or think I do) and I drink a protein drink and move on.  I don't expect to lose 5 pounds a week... maybe 2-3 each week and that is fine.  What I hope is to return to those disciplines I held the first 5 years after surgery and not snack, eat slider foods or carbs and do some exercise of some sort.

Gastric Bypass is a tool.  It is not a magic fix to keep you "normal" size.  You have to take the tool and use it properly or you will regain your weight.  I have enjoyed being "normal" and having normal clothes and just fitting in these past 9 years and I will be danged if I want to go back to being stared at or made fun of.  I hated being called "big guy" or "big man" because I was B-I-G... not famous!  Now I feel like I just fit into society and I have a strong determination to overcome. 

I have to take the tool given to me and use it properly so I can continue to shop in the Mens Department and buy things that most others buy.  I can fly on an airplane and not need a seatbelt extender.  I can walk between things and not wonder "will I fit through there?"  Being a more normal size is a health benefit for sure but just "fitting in" may be the biggest thrill of all.  I enjoyed the "Holy Moly" when people saw me that first year...but even though that is over I like the fact that I have stayed close to the same size all of this time and now, if I work at it, I can be just a tad smaller (and quicker LOL).

If you have fought obesity and tried it all, I would encourage you to look into the new options that surgery offers.  I chose the Gastric Bypass because I wanted something that was "permanent" in my mind.  The sleeve was "removable" and I did not want a way out.  Still... a tool is a tool and this has to be used the right way.  I know people who have had the surgery and later regained most all of that weight back.  It is sad but it WILL happen if you do not follow the plan.

All I can say is I worked VERY hard to get to a place I could have the surgery... a job change I didn't want to make but did because insurance covered it at the new job... then I had to suffer down and do the pre-surgery things to get it done... and it was not easy. I would do it again for the same result.  I haven't taken anything for heart, blood pressure or joint pain in 9 years.  I am able to go 9-0 most everyday.  I am not sick much at all.  I feel like I am 35 at 52.  I am thankful to God for the moves he allowed to happen to get me there! 

If you want to know about my doctor or more, email me.  I'm always happy to share about it.

See you at the farm or the horse shows!

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